Project: Energy Center III

Energy Center III is a twenty story Class AA high-end office building located on a prime 18 acre site in Houston’s Energy Corridor. This 546,000 square foot pre-certified LEED office structure is the first of a three-phase development. The office tower boasts designated conference facilities, an on-site cafeteria, and a Sky Terrace on level 20 that is ideal for small executive meetings and entertaining in a dramatic outdoor area. Energy Center III features a campus environment with extensive outdoor landscaping, seating areas, and large water features; some of which serve as detention devices.
Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd. (CMS) supplied and installed over 2,700 pieces of 12” tall x 24” long x 3” thick and 12” tall x 16” long x 3” thick Texas Cream honed limestone veneer and coping on four large planters, three retaining walls and the large water feature. A 2’-8” tall serpentine wall, constructed of 12” CMU and clad in limestone, extends 192 lf across the landscape area, following the contour of the large pond. The four large limestone planters are 7’-4” tall and the elevated beds allow the plantings to be easily seen from across the pond. The retaining walls, range in heights from 1’-4” to 7’-4” tall and provide pathways into the landscape area. The large limestone water feature is 9’ tall facing the pond and 2’ tall on the fountain pool side. It has three granite weirs, designed to transfer water out of the top fountain pool and into the pond below. CMS fabricated and installed the granite weirs, which provide the most dramatic feature on the site. The inside walls of the weir openings are waterproofed and clad with brown 1” x 1” glass tile to match the inside of the fountain pool. In addition, CMS supplied and installed over 7,500 sf of 2’6” x 5’ thermal finished Rajah Black granite pavers, steps and risers, 350 sf of 8” x 2’6” polished Arabescato marble pavers, 1900 sf of 2 cm thermal Rajah Black granite planter walls and 1000 sf of ½” thick 12” x 12” thermal finished Rajah Black granite tiles at two exterior fountains.
The exterior pavers and planters were designed to tie the interior and exterior space. The polished Arabescato marble strips in the plaza align perfectly with the interior marble paving strips which are visible through the mullionless glass storefront. The two exterior granite fountains, located between the parking garage and the building, are visible from the glass enclosed connecting link. The overall effect is one of tranquil precision with a purposeful site elegantly tying to the interior space.